Wouldn't it be nice if all conversations were as easy as...
"Yeah, I was planning on it."
"Good, me too."
and then we moved on. So it looks like my roommate and I are gonna be in our sweet apartment for another year. It's a good place, and they are only raising the rent $10 (the thieves!), so it should continue to be a fun time.
I'm getting up early tomorrow, since I am going with T. G. to Rosie's Place to serve lunch to homeless women. I'm a little nervous about it. Most of my experience with the SDF is around Central Sq, and, well, I don't feel the same kind of concern for their terrible plight any more. I guess I've become a little more hard-hearted since moving here. I hope that tomorrow at least gives me a bit more experience. Plus it feels like a good thing to do.
After that, I'm meeting up with my dear contact in the senate, and we are going to watch "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". I've been looking forward to seeing it since I first saw the previews three weeks ago, so it should be a good time.
I went to a party tonight at a friend from MIT's place. It was nice. He actually didn't show up until I'd been there for almost an hour! In truth, I arrived a little early. I figured that he'd be there setting up, and I could say "hi", chill for a bit, then duck out early so as to be fresh and ready for Rosie's. Well, I ended up meeting all of his friends (to whom he had apparently talked extensively about me), only without him there. Kinda odd, but I had a good time nonetheless.
So I hear that more people are reading my `blog. I am, of course, elated. One thing is missing, though. Comments. Every day, I look to see if people have commented on things I've written, and every day, I am crushed to find that no one loves me enough to make their mark on my electronic wall.
As a random follow up to my T post, I hopped online today and went to the MBTA website. For some odd reason all of the links to any financial documents they "have" on their website are broken. I'll e-mail them and ask to be sent copies of things like the budget, etc, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
As a random comment, the spell check for this `blog service doesn't have a key word: `blog.