Well it's about time...

Everyone else has been doing it, so why not me. Long, long ago, I learned that often crazier things happen to me than to other people. Maybe this will help me remember them. Even better, I'll finally have a forum to rant, keeping me from screaming on street corners for a few more days.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

"Boring" Updates for today

I've gotten mostly positive reviews of my new blog. Many people find it funny and profoundly insightful. Others find it "cute" and wish that they had stories as entertaining as mine. To these people, I give a shout-out, thanking you from the bottom of my heart.

But all is not well in Blogging land. A renegade "friend" claimed that my blog was "boring". I was obviously devastated, and I'm considering, but rejecting, the idea of leaving this so called friend at the airport tomorrow. I've also received another, neutral comment: "It sounds exactly like you". Normally, I would find this the height of praise, as it implies that I am able to "write the way I talk", something my high school English teacher wanted me to do. Given the earlier criticism, I guess I must conclude that I am, in fact, simply boring.

In that vein, here is my banal update for today. I went last night to BestBuy to check out digital cameras. The A510 has more features, but the SD family is just a lot smaller. This sounds stupid, but I think that the SD would actually get more use, in that I would just be able to slip it into a pocket. I'm not sure. The other thing I'm thinking about is how to pay for it. One of the things I'm actually considering is taking out a short term personal loan. I actually have the money to buy a camera now, but I read a few articles about credit scoring online (a guilty pleasure), and they indicated that both revolving credit and loan type accounts are important for establishing stellar credit. I have good credit, since I pay off my bills in full, etc, each month and I have for year. A short term, low interest loan would help flesh things out a little bit, I think. Who knows?

I also went to the mall today (I just couldn't get enough). I finally returned this terrible pillow that I had bought 2 months ago from Brookstone. They were very nice, and it was no hassle. The best part is that now I am about $100 richer. Fantastic!

I got an e-mail today from people in my department asking me to mentor another prospective teacher. I'm all for this, as it means that I have one fewer section to plan and teach. There's actually only two weeks left in the term, and since I have a teaching credit stored up from IAP, I won't have to teach again until probably the spring of next year. I may be able to work a similar deal and teach over IAP instead, freeing me up for all of next year. That would be nice. I also got offered a job to mentor some HS students this summer. I had done this two summers ago, and it was quite a pain. Still, it might be nice to have a few months during which I actually lived well within my means rather than check to check.

Went back to the gym this evening. I was a little sore from last time, but that went away very quickly. Another nice work-out, but now I'm gonna hit the hay so my body can recover. Then I'll be up early to put the finishing touches on my apartment / play video games for hours. Wish me luck!


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