Well it's about time...

Everyone else has been doing it, so why not me. Long, long ago, I learned that often crazier things happen to me than to other people. Maybe this will help me remember them. Even better, I'll finally have a forum to rant, keeping me from screaming on street corners for a few more days.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

What a Long, Strange Week It's Been

At the prompting of Miss Meena G., I am posting. It turns out that her comments come at the most appropriate time, since it's been a full week since my last posting! And what a week it has been.

Here are the good things:
  1. T.G. returned from Cali! It's been great to have her back around the department, since it gets a little slow around here without her crazy antics!
  2. My Senate Contact and I went "night skiing" last weekend. It was crazy fun! I mean, sure, it was rainy, but it wasn't very cold. I got to break in my new skis, and I didn't fall down at all! Of course, I was soaked to the bone by the time I got done, and I ended up changing clothes in the muddy parking lot of the ski place, but still, it was a really great time!
  3. Following up on that, we are going on a minivacation tomorrow for my Birthday (observed and actual)! We are driving out to Vermont (not Maine, as I had previously thought), heading to a condo near Sugarbush. I've never been there, but it should be really great. On Saturday we will be skiing, and then on Sunday, we'll snowshoe and sled. Talk about fun!
  4. I got a job offer from UVA! It is a really good school, with opportunities for both me and my Senate Contact. I'm really excited about it, and I have until Monday to let them know my decision. Looks good, though!
Now the not as good things:
  1. I didn't get an NSF. What a downer that was. A real kick in the gut. But I'm over it now.
  2. I didn't get an offer from Northwestern (yet?). I understood their reasons, and I appreciated how up front they have been with me. I'd just always imagined my next step would be the Chicago area.
So all told, the good things outweigh the bad, so it's been a good week!

Oh, forgot to add. I've read two more books, both of which are part of the same trilogy:
  1. The Amulet of Samarkand
  2. The Golem's Eye
I found them quite amusing, so if you've nothing better to do for an afternoon, pick them up! It's like Harry Potter, but a little simpler and a good bit edgier.

Lest people complain, I am also reading a book in French. I'd never read Le Petit Prince before, and since it was on my shelf, and since I am slowly getting back into the whole "reading French" thing, it seemed like a logical choice. Very cute story, but at times, quite weird.


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