Painted Potter & Pie!
Yesterday I hung out with E.Q. and E.B. at the infamous 1369 Coffee House in Central Sq. This is a frequent haunt of the notorious J.N.K.F., and sure enough, he was there with his friend Cotton Gin. Now, I was elated to meet said appliance, since there was a bit of history between him and *name withheld to protect "innocence"*. He was quite nice, but I was there to see the E's, not him.
After sharing a bit of a cookie, we went to Bob Slate, my favorite store in Harvard Square. I've been trying to learn how to cook more things (cf my new year's resolutions), and I thought that it might be nice to have a little book of the recipies that I like best. I got a Clairefontaine quadrille notebook, since I really like the feel of them. E.Q. called me a nerd for getting this rather than an actual recipie book, but, well, I gotta get what I'll use.
Checking this errand off my mental list reminded me that I needed to pick up my pottery. I took
the Number 1 bus to Naked Clay, the paint your own pottery studio mentioned before. I collected my tea pot and A.J.'s flower pot. They look quite nice, if I do say so myself!
Clearly, I got this all uploaded. I should also probably continue, explaining the title. My Senate Contact returned today from DC (he'd gone to visit some friends). One of the few things that I know how to cook is a chess pie, and since I know that he enjoys it, I made one for him yesterday. I don't think this one is as good, and I'm not entirely sure why (maybe the eggs were old?), but it still tasted really delicious. But then again, I am just tooting my own horn here.
On the tax front, I have not received a single W-2 form. I am quite disappointed. I'm also missing at least 2 1099-INT forms, 2 1099-B forms, and a 1098-T. Without these things, I can't complete my taxes! January is almost over, and I am adrift!!
After sharing a bit of a cookie, we went to Bob Slate, my favorite store in Harvard Square. I've been trying to learn how to cook more things (cf my new year's resolutions), and I thought that it might be nice to have a little book of the recipies that I like best. I got a Clairefontaine quadrille notebook, since I really like the feel of them. E.Q. called me a nerd for getting this rather than an actual recipie book, but, well, I gotta get what I'll use.
Checking this errand off my mental list reminded me that I needed to pick up my pottery. I took

Clearly, I got this all uploaded. I should also probably continue, explaining the title. My Senate Contact returned today from DC (he'd gone to visit some friends). One of the few things that I know how to cook is a chess pie, and since I know that he enjoys it, I made one for him yesterday. I don't think this one is as good, and I'm not entirely sure why (maybe the eggs were old?), but it still tasted really delicious. But then again, I am just tooting my own horn here.
On the tax front, I have not received a single W-2 form. I am quite disappointed. I'm also missing at least 2 1099-INT forms, 2 1099-B forms, and a 1098-T. Without these things, I can't complete my taxes! January is almost over, and I am adrift!!
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