Well it's about time...

Everyone else has been doing it, so why not me. Long, long ago, I learned that often crazier things happen to me than to other people. Maybe this will help me remember them. Even better, I'll finally have a forum to rant, keeping me from screaming on street corners for a few more days.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Reading Rainbow

So I've kept to at least one of my resolutions: reading more. The working every day is a close second, since I have been going in a bit. I was slightly derailed of late, simply because my mom came to visit the past few days! It was really great to have her here, and we just pretty much sat around and caught up. It was a nice time for both of us, I think.

Here is what I have read so far this year:
  1. Memories of Ice
    This is the third book in a very lengthy series of fantasy books. I very much enjoyed the first two, and this one was no exception.
  2. The Wrong Side of Paris I was astounded by how this Balzac novel moved me. It is a very pretty tale that cuts right into my heart.
  3. Looking for Jake I've loved this author's longer fiction, so I wanted to try his short stories. They were quite entertaining, but nothing compared to the first two.
I've also been thinking of reviving my long dormant / quondam bookclub. Any comments about whether this should be done?


Blogger Teena said...

I think you should bring back the book club! You know how I love book clubs... :)

5:18 PM  
Blogger Just a Guy said...

This isn't a bad idea...

5:27 PM  

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