Well it's about time...

Everyone else has been doing it, so why not me. Long, long ago, I learned that often crazier things happen to me than to other people. Maybe this will help me remember them. Even better, I'll finally have a forum to rant, keeping me from screaming on street corners for a few more days.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tim at the Aquarium

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Boston Wedding Weekend

I'm in Boston this weekend for the wedding of one of Tim's friends from home. The wedding was last night, and it was really beautiful. Very traditional. Very long! I left around 8, having spent 6 hours there. Tim planned to stay there with his HS friends at a hotel. I wanted to work, but I ended up just reading for pleasure. Definitely the right call, since I've been a little overwhelmed.

Around 11:15, Tim called me saying he wanted me to pick him up. That was fine, since I always like to have him around. I got dressed in track pants and a t-shirt and hopped in the car. A few blocks from the reception, a tire blew! I didn't have my wallet, so I got out of the car, in the rain, and changed the tire. I then picked up Tim and some friends, dropped the friends off, and came home. Super exciting!

Today we have a christening, and then we'll have dinner with Mike, Randi, and Rosie. Should be a lot of fun.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008


My trip to the DMV resulted in a newly reregistered car. Good-bye, Ticket!

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Back At The DMV

I'm back at the DMV to get my car reregistered. This has been crazy-making. Unbeknownst to me, I had an unpaid property tax bill for the county that precluded this transaction when I was here on Monday. I paid that online, and now I am back. We'll see if this ends up being another wasted hour.

Of course, the DMV has its charms. The woman in front of me right now has a terrible speech problem and she is rambling on about doctors and her finances. It doesn't get better than this!

Today's the big day! I retooled my CV last night, and I worked on my cover letter. Today I will finish that up, make the requisite file of schools for Haynes, and start applying. Pretty scary. It's nice to be ahead of the game, though.

I also want to see how much of my argument with Mike I can write up today. It'd be nice to get that up on the ArXiv. Speaking of papers, I just got proofs to check for a paper. They look good, so I should be able to get those back to them ASAP. Then it'll be all done!

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Exam Time

Today is the first midterm for Calc II. Not for my students, since they are doing the online thing, but for the other sections. I'm covering for one of my instructors, and she will administer the make-up exam at 7:20AM TOMORROW! I'm happy to fill in this evening.

Today was a lot better. I posted Quiz #2 for both of my classes, and the coders are cooking along. This will make things run a lot smoother! The next one goes up in 2 weeks, so my coders have a good bit of time. Class was fine. I tried some new things, and it went OK. I'll keep experimenting to see the right balance between lecture and seat-work. This hour and a half of quiet should help me make headway on my CV and cover letters. Yay!

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My Minicity

I love this website. It's kinda like SimCity, but you gain population, etc, by having people follow various links. I only have two links so far:

Increase Population


Increase Industry

I highly recommend that you click at least one of these links every day!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Overly Busy Day

Today has been wicked busy and wicked stressful. It's no single thing that's made it rough. I just had a ton of stuff to do and I got interrupted every 10 minutes. Some small examples:

My students are complaining that they don't have a new quiz. I hired 2 TAs and 2 more today to help me with coding, but none of them is done with the questions I assigned them. I wrote about 15 questions myself today, but I still need 20 more for tomorrow.

My job stuff is coming together, but not fast enough. I want to submit it by Wednesday, but I still need to write some good cover letters and revise my CV.

My project with Mike and Doug is going really well but I keep getting confused. It makes everything a lot less fun.

The other Calc sections have an exam tomorrow. I'm the course head, and it is almost impossible to get a couple of my instructors to do anything.

So ugh.

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Whale Shark's Are Amazing

Sunday, September 21, 2008

iPhone Fun

I got an iPhone a few months back. It's amazingly fun. It costs a small fortune for the data etc, but it's been totally worth it. There are so many things that in the past would have required human interaction. No more worries on that front!

The big project of today was to get a blogging program. I actually take tons of photos, so it makes it much more exciting if I can immediately blog with them. The program I found isn't ideal, but it is free. One more thing to distract me from my job applications.

Speaking of that, my goal is to be completely done with it by WEDNESDAY. It's a bit of a terrifying thought. I've pretty much done all I can with my essays, though. So soon it'll be back to the grind. Woo.

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Atlanta Aquarium!

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Hello from not-so-Hotlanta! T and I flew out here for Ellenor Honig's wedding. The wedding was really beautiful, and I'm so glad that we were able to come.

Of course, I foolishly choose to fly Delta. My flight to ATL was delayed due to mechanical problems for over 2 hours. Today, things were moving smoothly. I even snagged a seat on an earlier flight! Of course, that screwed up pretty quickly too. The flight was delayed until my original flight time, and then they said that it would be delayed further. I'm back on my original flight, $50 poorer.

Here are some photos, I hope from our trip today to the Atlanta Aquarium. It's super nice!

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