Well it's about time...

Everyone else has been doing it, so why not me. Long, long ago, I learned that often crazier things happen to me than to other people. Maybe this will help me remember them. Even better, I'll finally have a forum to rant, keeping me from screaming on street corners for a few more days.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Exam Time

Today is the first midterm for Calc II. Not for my students, since they are doing the online thing, but for the other sections. I'm covering for one of my instructors, and she will administer the make-up exam at 7:20AM TOMORROW! I'm happy to fill in this evening.

Today was a lot better. I posted Quiz #2 for both of my classes, and the coders are cooking along. This will make things run a lot smoother! The next one goes up in 2 weeks, so my coders have a good bit of time. Class was fine. I tried some new things, and it went OK. I'll keep experimenting to see the right balance between lecture and seat-work. This hour and a half of quiet should help me make headway on my CV and cover letters. Yay!

Posted with LifeCast


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