Well it's about time...

Everyone else has been doing it, so why not me. Long, long ago, I learned that often crazier things happen to me than to other people. Maybe this will help me remember them. Even better, I'll finally have a forum to rant, keeping me from screaming on street corners for a few more days.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Two more things

Two more small things of note. First off, I switched to Cingular. I honestly had no problem with Verizon (I'd used them for many, many years, with a brief break to use Sprint). The main reason I switched was that Verizon has no coverage around C-Ville. Not a good deal for a cell phone company. Cingular apparently has some deal with UVa, and I have a cute new phone, so both are good.

Second, I'm liking my new computer more and more. I found out today that it has a tiny slot for SD chips! These are the same chips that fit in my camera, my PDA, and in the little usb chip reader I have. At this point, everything that used to take up either USB or cardbus slots is not internal!

This being said, I'm less and less overwhelmed by Vista. Huge chunks were clearly just lifted from Linux. At one point today, I thought for a minute that I was in fact using the Linux box at my office, since the dialog boxes were EXACTLY those from Linux. This might explain why it took them so long to make this version of Windows: it takes a lot of trickery to seal away open source code and claim it for yourself...

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Friday, February 23, 2007

So Many Changes

A great deal has changed since my last post. I'll summarize:

  1. I turned 27. It's probably my last prime to its power. I said that to Tim, and he said "yeah, you probably won't make 3,000". Guess I'm rubbing off onto him...
  2. I got a new computer! My temporary fix of installing Linux worked pretty well, but it wasn't perfect. I found a way to remove the troublesome hardware, but then I would have been out a USB connection. This way I have a computer I really like (so shiny and new) and it cost less than my tax refund (since I put most of my UVA salary into my 403(b) to try to max things out for 2006).
  3. I almost fell out of love with Jetblue. I was in NYC when they had a bit of a corporate melt-down, and they left me hanging. It's lucky they have such great service otherwise.
Ok. I guess not that much has happened. What a downer! I'm almost done with my project with V and Tyler. There is one tiny thing I have to do, then we can send it out. I feel bad that things are now delayed because of me, but I've been really tired this week. A certain four legged monster has been creeping out from under my bed and stealing the breath from my mouth while I sleep. Damn witches!

I'm somewhat underwhelmed by Vista. My new laptop runs it (though I will soon be dual booting with Ubuntu Linux). It seems a lot like XP, with more hidden in the things the system runs without me seeing anything. This is not quite the kind of thing I normally like... It's also funny how much the desktop et al now looks like KDE.

We are still waiting for law school news. It's a little scary for me to think how much I want him to get in here.

I'm giving a talk at a big birthday conference for some big names in my field. Talk about scary! I'm going to talk about the stuff with V and Tyler, but I'm not really sure what to even say. How odd! I've been thinking about this for months, but I'm not certain how to make a "sexy" talk out of it.

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