Well it's about time...

Everyone else has been doing it, so why not me. Long, long ago, I learned that often crazier things happen to me than to other people. Maybe this will help me remember them. Even better, I'll finally have a forum to rant, keeping me from screaming on street corners for a few more days.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Where have all the postings gone...

By Blogspots calculation, it's been a long time since I last posted. I can only apologize to the two people who actually read this. I'd promise to be better in the future, but I also try to minimize empty promises.

Lots and lots has happened since my last posting.
1. I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
2. I saw Puppetry of the Penis.
3. I saw March of the Penguins.
4. My Senate Contact's old roommate moved out.
5. His subletor (is this even a word?) reclaimed his belongings.
6. His new roommate moved in.
7. Cherry Bomb returned, and her boyfriend, Cap'n, came to visit.
8. Cherry Bomb and I renewed our lease.
9. I've pretty much finished my mentoring job.
10. My teaching job at Harvard is also starting to wrap up.
11. My mom visited.
12. I made plans with A. J. and A. L. to meet up at my grandmother's house.
13. I went out to the suburbs to go swimming at C. D.'s father's house.
14. I haven't done a lick of work on my project.
15. I saw a man with a snake wrapped around his neck in Central.
16. I got the new Grand Theft Auto game.
17. I made prints of some of my photos.
18. Issy (my Senate Contact's kitty) continues to be the cutest kitty ever.
19. I read Harry Potter VI after buying it at an appropriately decorated Harvard Bookstore.

That's the fast run down. I'm sure that I am forgetting most of the important things that have happened, but I'm just going to resign myself to that fact. If I get back into the habit of this, then I won't have to worry any more about that!

Friday, July 01, 2005

She is the best kitty ever!

My Senate Contact's yet unnamed kitty is the best kitty I've ever met! I had forgotten how tiny she is. When I got to my SC's place, she was hiding under his bed. I'd imagined that she would stay there for most of the evening, but in fact she wandered out and climbed into my lap after a few hours hiding there. We played around with her for a while.

This morning, she crawled under the sheets and crawled around there the whole time! It was really cute.

Since my Senate Contact is spending the weekend with his family down on the cape, I'll be heading back over there this evening to make sure she continues to adjust well to her new life. If her constant purring is any indication, I'd say she's having a pretty good time!