Well it's about time...

Everyone else has been doing it, so why not me. Long, long ago, I learned that often crazier things happen to me than to other people. Maybe this will help me remember them. Even better, I'll finally have a forum to rant, keeping me from screaming on street corners for a few more days.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


That's it. I give up. I've lost my war on High Fructose Corn Syrup. It was bad when my favorite sweets had it. Soda was also a little tough. But to find out that not only most juices but also most yogurts and my favorite cookies? That was the last straw.

So I'm hopping off the wagon. There is no reason for me to give up something so clearly bad for me but also such a staple in the America diet. When I become a brittle diabetic like my great grandmother was, we'll all know why. It won't be my crappy diet. It'll be because of HFCS.

On a happier note, I found a worm on the street yesterday! I've been looking for a while, since I wanted some to put in my windowbox garden and maybe into my compost "heap" (bucket). It's currently safe in my large planter, and I hope it makes everything grow extra large. We'll see!

Not much else to report. I am sure I'm forgetting loads of exciting stories (like how there is no internet at my apartment any more, so I am stuck not surfing the web!), but that's just the way it goes. If I remember more, and I'm near a computer, I'll write again later.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Eye Blisters, Lazy Days, and Dad's Woes

So I'm up super early today. It is becoming a depressing habit. Today I had to get up to get my lazy self to the eye doctor for an 8:30 AM appointment. What on EARTH was I thinking when I made that? I ended up there because I had what can only be described as a blister on my eyeball! I didn't know such a thing could happen, but it can and did. Long story short, it is completely harmless and it's going away on its own. The moral of the story is "don't rub your eyes!"

Last night I did a focus group. I'd never done one before, but you sit around and people ask you really boring questions that are pretty repetitive. There were about 8 of us, and after an hour and a half, they let us go, giving us checks for $75! I'm certainly going to keep going to these, whenever they'll take me. Money like that is pretty good!

My Erstwhile Senate Contact has a brand new job offer at a law firm. I'm excited that he's found something new so quickly, rebounding from the crazy skank he used to work for. It seems like a good position for him too, since he is thinking about starting law school next fall. The down side is that it is in Boston, which means that he won't be moving closer to where I'll be next year. We'll just have to see how things play out. Que sera, sera, right?

Things are not so good with my dad now. He's been having some trouble with his functional memory for a while now (ie he asked me every day when I was home about the March of the Penguins DVD, never remembering that he had even asked before). He finally got a battery for testing done, and the doctor told him that in no way was he capable to return to work. Long story short, my dad is now retired and has filed a claim for his disability insurance. I hope things work out OK for them, since I know that those claims can take a long time to process (since insurance companies are thieves). He saw a neurologist up here, and though the guy started out a bit skeptical, he really changed his tune and seems to accept that something is really wrong with my dad. He named two diseases: Early Onset Alzheimers and Frontal Temporal Dementia. Both are pretty bad (no real treatments, etc), and both are heritable. We'll see how that all plays out. He is taking everything pretty well, but Mom is a total wreck. I hope that they start getting some good news, or at least their disability comes through.

That's it! No pictures this time. I should have taken some of my eye, but of course, I completely forgot!

Monday, May 01, 2006


Real quick post today: I just successfully defended my thesis. I'm a free man now!